Pivotal Therapy System®

For over 30 years, the Pivotal Therapy System has been used by physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors and people with spinal symptoms to treat soft tissue issues related to all areas of the spine. By nature, it takes time to slowly re-posture the spine and its soft tissues although improvement is often noticed quickly. Based on the progressive increments of time and gravity and your body's weight, this system can assist your body to relax and strengthen muscles helping maintain healthy spinal alignment. Each component of the Pivotal Therapy System may be used individually to address a patient’s specific problem/complaint or the whole system can be used to treat the entire spine.

Product Image Item Name-
Cervical Pivot, Pivotal Therapy

Cervical Pivot, Pivotal Therapy

The Cervical Pivot is useful as a substitute for gentle cervical traction and can also be used as a self-mobilization and strengthening tool. It...
Occipivot Pivotal Therapy

Occipivot Pivotal Therapy

Used individually, the Occipivot, which concentrates on the Occiput (back of the head), can be used to treat tension and stress syndromes which...


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