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Body Ball Poster Singles (Core & Upper/Lower Body)

Body Ball Exercises - Core
24" x 36" Poster

Work your abs and lower back and train for strength and balance using the 15 ball exercises featured on this poster. All exercises are clearly explained with step-by-step instructions and descriptive photos. Laminated or paper chart; 24” x 36”.

Body Ball Exercises - Upper Body/Lower Body
24" x 36" Poster

Train for strength and balance using the 17 ball exercises featured on this poster. Exercises work the shoulders, chest, triceps, neck, hamstrings, quadriceps, abductors, adductors and shin muscles. All exercises are clearly explained with step-by-step instructions and descriptive photos. Laminated or paper chart; 24” x 36”.

  • Shipping Weight: 0.35lbs


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